🔴 Is Today The Day?

WARNING: The following quote may change what you post online.

“I can tell you what matters to me as a creative person. […] I want to say something that matters to somebody. I want to say something that only I can say because of whatever experience I've had and my lived experience, something that is uniquely pointed to me. […] I want to find that core of human truth in my experience and communicate it eloquently and clearly and have it be true and feel true, and have someone else see that and have that person think, yes, that feels true and it feels true to them. And then I want that person to feel connected to me even though we've never met before in our lives, but I said a thing that resonated with them and made them feel a little bit less alone because they felt like there was another person who had that same experience. I want to make things that are timeless. I want to make things that feel true now. I want to make things that feel true in 50 years. I want to make things that still feel true 500 years after I'm dead. I want to figure out how to use my short years on this planet to find that kind of truth and say it. That's what I want as an artist, and that's a very different goal than watch time.”

- Jack Conte, CEO of Patreon, Death of the Follower & the Future of Creativity on the Web with Jack Conte | SXSW 2024 Keynote

I was going to write a long summary about this quote, but I realized it’s simple.

Do you like what you make?

Are you making it for you? Is it your truth?

If you’re not making things you enjoy, when will you finally take the leap and speak your truth?

Today can be the day you throw out the superficial worries and excuses.

And if you are speaking your truth, keep doing that. You don’t know it now but your time will come.

If this newsletter resonates, I highly recommend watching the full keynote 👇